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Design and prototype products and services — BPMN business process model based on the APQC PCF framework

The Design and prototype products and services BPMN model describes a business process that includes the following activities: Assign resources to product/service project, Prepare high-level business case and technical assessment, Develop product/service design specifications, Develop user experience design specifications, Provide warranty-related recommendations, Document design specifications, Conduct mandatory and elective external reviews, Design products/services, Build prototypes/proof of concepts, Develop and test prototype production and/or service delivery process, Eliminate quality and reliability problems, Conduct in-house product/service testing and evaluate feasibility, Identify design/development performance indicators, Collaborate on design with suppliers and external partners. This business process model is based on the APQC's PCF® framework. [Source]
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Design and prototype products and services — BPMN business process model based on the APQC PCF framework


develop user experience design specifications, document design specifications, service design specifications, test prototype production, level business case, development performance indicators, service delivery process, elective external reviews, develop product, identify design, design products, service testing, service project, external partners, technical assessment, reliability problems, related recommendations, provide warranty, prepare high, house product, evaluate feasibility, eliminate quality, conduct mandatory, build prototypes, assign resources — Design and prototype products and services
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