exOnviZZ free online analytical data visualization based on Excel tables

Build attractive data visualization graphs and charts online for FREE using Excel XLS XLSX document reports exported from 1C, BAS, and other enterprise accounting information systems.


With the help of this tool, users can visualize reporting data from Microsoft Excel files that were generated in 1C or other enterprise accounting system for free online. The most suitable charts for specific datasets can be suggested by the system automatically or selected by users in manual mode. It is allowed to use additional scales of categories and values, sorting and limiting the number of displayed values. The built graphs can be added to the report, which can then be downloaded as a PDF document with the possibility of further publication in the corporate portal, printing, inserting into a presentation, etc. The processed data is not transmitted to the server and therefore cannot be obtained by us or by third parties.


Number of Vaccinations We have a report on the number of flu vaccinations in a class of 20 people. It has the following numbers: never: 5, once: 8, twice: 4, 3 times: 3. What is the mean number of times those people have been vaccinated? Data contains 20 values, each representing the number of vaccinations the corresponding person had.
Basketball Players The given code includes a list of heights for various basketball players. You need to calculate and output how many players are in the range of one standard deviation from the mean.
House Prices You are given an array that represents house prices. Calculate and output the percentage of houses that are within one standard deviation from the mean.
COVID Data Analysis You are working with the COVID dataset for California, which includes the number of cases and deaths for each day of 2020. Find the day when the deaths/cases ratio was largest.
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